iHope Ministries Books
About the Book
- What if I offend her?
- What if she thinks I'm pushing my faith on her?
- What if she asks me a question I can't answer?

About the Book
The statistics are alarming: Islam is growing while Christianity is declining in Western nations. Unknowingly, most Christians are contributing to this problematic trend. Muslims: Five Biblical Essentials Every Christian Must Know and Do brings to light five simple actions that Jesus taught, modeled, and commanded of his followers. These principles have proven to be the most effective way to engage Muslims, used by thousands of Christians with extraordinary success.
If you are concerned, or are simply curious about Muslims, this book will equip you with the right words and practical steps to make a difference in your own community.
“This gave me the confidence to share the love of Jesus with someone from a different faith and culture.” Linda W
About the Book
A common question asked of iHOPE Ministries is, “I’m starting a Bible study with my Muslim friend, what do we study?” There hasn’t been a simple, duplicable solution until now.
In The Way to Paradise, Renod Bejjani takes Muslims on a journey to discover Allah’s (Arabic for “God”) word in the Holy Bible about the One and only Way a person can enter Paradise.
Give this book to Muslim friends for self-study or study it together. This book will equip you with the most important parts of what God reveals about Himself and His holy plan to restore humanity to eternal Paradise with Him