Week 1: Problem, Solution and You
Week 1: Problem, Solution, and You
“The majority of Christians have not shared the Good News with Muslims. This has resulted in one of the most urgent and important problems of our times.” Renod Bejjani
Take Action
- Read Matthew 22:36-39 and Psalm 96:2-3. God redeemed you to redeem others through you. When you declare His glory among the nations (at home or on the mission field) you are being fruitful and multiplying. God blessed and saved you to tell others—including Muslims—about His salvation. What are your thoughts/ feelings about sharing the Good News with Muslims around you right now?
- Pray for an open heart toward your Muslim neighbors, for God’s wisdom and instruction, andthat God would lead you to a Muslim He is drawing to Jesus.
- Look for opportunities to engage with Muslims around you this week.
Take it Deeper
- Read chapters 1-6 in the book, “Muslims: 5 Biblical Essentials Every Christian Must Know and Do” by Renod Bejjani
- Listen to this iHOPE Empowers podcast, “Essential #1: To Know God and Make Him Known.”
- Read this iHOPE blog, “Where Do You Fit In? Your Role in a Global Problem.”
- Get iHOPE’s weekly eNewsletter for more things to know and do. Enroll at iHOPEministries.org.
- Connect with the iHOPE Ministries community on social media.