Week 5: Love in Words, Actions and Deeds

Week 5: Love in Words, Actions and Deeds


“It’s only when Muslims get to know the God of the Bible – who offers love and eternal reconciliation through the gift of Jesus – that they can experience His love firsthand.” Renod Bejjani


Take Action

  1. Read 1 John 4:7-5:5. What insights within these verses are applicable to sharing the Good News with Muslims around you?
  2. Practice doing the 5 Essentials, with intention, with Muslims around you. Make it a lifestyle.
  3. If this series inspired and/or empowered you, please share it forward to inspire, raise awareness, and empower other Believers to help Muslims find and follow Jesus.
  4. Plug into the iHOPE Community online and connect with others who are helping Muslims find and follow Jesus.

Take it Deeper


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